Paco López-Cerón Vivo is a great strategic operations consultant, with years of experience who knows his profession well, specialized in buying and selling companies, analysis, business and financial strategy, launching projects, companies, product lines, etc. He stands out above all for his skills and human qualities, which make working with him a rewarding experience. He is very close, quickly and skilfully builds good relationships with people and perfectly manages change and communication, fundamental elements in any consulting project. I recommend Paco López-Cerón Vivo both to work and develop with him in all kinds of strategic consulting projects, M&A, with sales lines or strategic commercial developments.
Vivian Francos. #SEOHASHTAG Posicionamiento de TU #Hashtag en Redes Sociales y WEB para Convertir AUDIENCIAS a VENTAS
por admin | Jun 1, 2021 | 0 Comentarios

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